The Green Pages
September 2002

Painting Mara Jade at CopperCon  
by Mark Greenawalt

It was another successful bodypainting demonstration at one of Arizona's premier science fiction conventions, CopperCon XXII.  This year's theme was Star Wars and I chose a character from the "expanded universe" of the Star Wars saga named Mara Jade.  You won't find her in any of the movies, but she exists in books and comics that explore the continuing story of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Forces.  Anyway, the star my show was the stunning model Lynette who I had recently met at a model/photographer shin-dig at Maxies Grill.  Lynette's website is at and she can also be found at .  Lynette was great to work with despite the fact that the nasty fumes of the liquid latex paint nearly made her pass out at one point.  Along with Lynette was a cast of characters that looked like they just stepped out of the George Lucas movies, courtesy of the Dune Sea Garrison.  This group builds authentic Star Wars costumes and makes public appearances all in the name of charity for non-profit organizations.  The guys behind these stormtrooper masks are some of the coolest people I have ever met.  To find out more about them, visit their site at and tell them Mark sent ya'.  I hope to have more pictures (including some by Don Crossland) and the rest of the story from this event on-line soon, but for now you can click the picture above to see the full size photo.  I don't think this picture does her justice, but Lynette is absolutely gorgeous and she's obviously worked hard to build up such an incredible muscle tone.


Switch Entertainment's Launch Party
by Mark Greenawalt

One evening I received a call from a voice I hadn't heard from since the Culture of Our Underground event back in 2000.  It was Monika from Switch Entertainment and she was in the midst of setting up an event to launch the promotional company's new website.  My role was to paint several "go-go" dancers who would be dancing on elevated platforms throughout the night.  My night was troubled with several problems, but I was eventually able to paint four models throughout the night.  The most devastating blow to my art form happened though when the liquid latex didn't stick to two of the models once they worked up a sweat while dancing.  Most of the time liquid latex is somewhat painful to peal off, so I was surprised when they obviously had to take off the latex and put their real clothes back on.  Unfortunately I didn't even get any pictures of these two models.  Luckily I did get a few shots of the two other models, but even these shots were plagued by having very low light levels in the club, leading to mostly blurry shots.  You can click on the two shots above to see the large versions of Claudia (left) and Monique.  I don't believe that any of the models that I worked with have websites that I can plug, but I welcome you to visit to see what's on their upcoming schedule.


Other Bullet Items...
by Mark Greenawalt

- Hopefully next month I will be telling you about my article in the October issue of Playtime Magazine.  For now I can tell you that it should include some familiar bodypaintings of mine that include a spider, a snake, and a scorpion.  But there is a new bodypainting that hasn't been unveiled yet that includes a bat and a model whose credits include Playboy.  Stay tuned.

- Also coming soon is a collaboration with another artist that will allow my fans to own my "original" bodypaintings.  Interested?  I'll tell you the details next month, but for now, you can get a hint by visiting

- Congratulations to our defending world champion Arizona Diamondbacks for winning the National League West for the second season in a row.  Now, on to the play-offs.  Go D-backs!!!


E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

copyright 2002, Mark Greenawalt

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