The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 8 ISSUE 10   October 2005

SPFX Make-Up Panelist at Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival 
by Mark Greenawalt

In October, I assembled a team to "breath life" into the Chaos! Comics characters Lady Death and Purgatori at the 1st Annual International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival.  The leather costumes were custom made by Kevin Speidel and the models were Heather Keckler and Kayla Rei.  These sexy "undead" creatures are pictured above with Brian Pulido who created the characters for the comic book and he was on-hand as the festival director.  My ultimate purpose for being there was because I was asked to co-host an educational panel on special effects make-up, hosted by the Phoenix Film Project.  Heather and Kayla were painted in front of the Tempe Centerpointe Theaters and then later showcased at the seminar.  Check out for more info about the film festival.

International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival


Article Published in Premiere Issue of Contact Magazine
by Mark Greenawalt

Congratulations are in order for my good friend Don Crossland who has just launched the premiere issue of his new magazine called CONTACT.  Don and I have worked on quite a few successful projects together and it's great to see his dream come to fruition.  I submitted some samples of my writing to the magazine editor, Jenn Hoffman, and I was commissioned to write a few articles revolving around the downtown art scene.  The first came out in the premiere issue and it is about Bentley Projects, a very large and upscale art gallery in downtown Phoenix.  To read the article click the picture above or go to 


Other News...
by Mark Greenawalt

I had the fortunate opportunity to paint one of the Kaleidoscope Horses at the State Fair.  I'll have more pictures in the next newsletter.

- My film, Second Chances, will be screened at the Paper Heart Gallery in November.  Again, more info next month.

- I have an upcoming live bodypainting project at the annual "Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Show" at the Paper Heart Art Gallery on December 30th.  I'm currently looking for a uninhibited model to play the part of a "naughty nurse" this year.

- I will be teaching bodypainting classes again in 2006 at the Face And Body Art International Convention in Orlando, Florida.

E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

copyright 2005, Mark Greenawalt

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