Meet the Models
2 0   Q U E S T I O N S

Anna Richardson
Mesa, AZ 

Click on the pictures to see more pictures from the sessions.

1. Can you describe the image that was painted on you during your body painting session with Mark Greenawalt?

1) A street mime. Mark painted a white face and a striped top in latex.
2) "Wet Paint" in glow-in-the-dark paint on my back.

2. How did you first hear about Mark Greenawalt's body painting artform and how did you get involved?

I followed a link to his website and thought it would be really interesting to try it. I e-mailed Mark and we set up a time to talk.

 3. Was this your first experience at being body painted?  If not describe previous sessions.

Yep, first time.

 4. What were your reasons for modeling for a body painting session with Mark Greenawalt?

I wanted to try something different & unique for my "portfolio".

 5. Do you have previous modeling experience?  If so, please list any highlights.

Yes - some artistic nude modeling for another local photographer.

 6. What does it feel like to get painted?

The latex was applied with a sponge brush and it felt like a really light massage. The airbrush is COLD.

 7. What advice would you give another model who is considering being bodypainted by Mark Greenawalt?

It will probably take longer than what you imagined.

 8. What were the reactions of people that saw your images (friends, relatives, significant others, etc.)?

Cool! Is that really paint?

 9. Which of Mark's bodypaintings is your favorite (besides your own, of course)?

I like the animal ones that he did for the Axis/Radius opening.

 10. Would you consider being painted again by Mark Greenawalt?


 11. If you were to be painted again, what type of image would you like to try?

mmmm, still thinking.

 12. Describe the atmosphere of the session (relaxed, awkward, rushed, professional, etc.).

Very professional & relaxed.

 13. Did you feel or seem like you were wearing clothes once you were painted?

Yes, I was totally covered.

 14. Where did you get painted and where did you do the photoshoot?

At Don Crossland's (photographer) studio.

 15. Looking back, what was your favorite part of getting body painted?

Being able to put my arms down once the latex was "set".

 16. Looking back, what was your least favorite part of getting body painted?

Having to hold my arms up while the latex was applied and drying and setting.

 17. Do you associate body painting more with art or with porn? 


 18. What celebrity would you like to see body painted and why?

Hmmm, gotta ponder that one.

 19. How easy did the paint come off?

Pretty easily under a nice hot shower. Sometimes it felt like a band-aid sort of stickiness.

20. What comments do you have about body painter Mark Greenawalt (be careful, he may quote you on this)?

Mark is very personable and was great about explaining the process and what was happening for each step.


This page has been designed and maintained by FUTURE-CLASS X PUBLISHING
Unless noted otherwise, Photography and Artwork by Mark Greenawalt c2001 

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