R A Z O R   M A G A Z I N E

c2002 Painting and photo by Mark Greenawalt

7 Deadly Sins Party    -     Thursday, June 27th, 2002
Opium Nightclub, 4720 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ

The pictures above are from page 19 of the September issue of Razor Magazine.  The shots are from the Razor Lounge series of parties during the summer of 2002.  The theme of the night was the Seven Deadly Sins as Razor Magazine took over Opium Nightclub in Scottsdale, Arizona.  I was asked by the magazine to paint some of the Razor models for the event.  The club was divided into seven areas to represent each of the sins and models were assigned to each area.  The first two models that I worked with were to be a part of the pride room and were painted as lions.  The lions, Jennifer Miller and Blanche Spaulding, danced in small cage at the party and were wearing costume ears and tails.

The next full bodypainting was for the wrath room.  This model, Olga Rowe, was painted to look like a devil and more specifically, I used the Chaos Comic Book character Purgatori as a "go-by".  Olga's bodypainting included glued on horns and liquid latex gloves and top.

Besides the three full bodypaintings, I also painted eleven other models with words that spelled out which of the seven deadly sins they were representing.  They were as follows (correct me if I'm wrong):

Angie Snook - Lust
Laurie Gray - Lust
Nicole Sanders - Pride
Mickala Morton - Envy
Keyla Gallahan - Envy
Lindsay Horton - Gluttony
Sarah Lichtenberg - Gluttony
Melissa Conner - Wrath
Anna Wade - Greed
Julie Jones - Greed
Sarah Kirsch - Sloth

Also joining in on the fun was Razor Magazine publisher Richard J. Botto.  He had me paint "LUST" on his chest and "PRIDE" on his arm.  The party was a huge success and there are some very cool photos of the event at www.wireimage.com .  Karrie from Razor magazine wrote to me and said, "...your work was awesome - I definitely think that it was the highlight of the party!"  On the other hand, I think Blanche was ready to kill me the following day when she was finding out how hard it was to get the paint off (sorry Blanche).  The paint that I used for the event is called Totally Tattoo and is available from Badger Airbrush.  It is fantastic for staying on all night for a party like this, but does take alcohol and effort to remove. 

Feel free to click on the pictures below to see a few more images from the bodypainting session and the party.  To order a print of any of the shots, write me for pricing and availability.

 Pride Wrath Model Montage Lion's Den "RB" & Lions

Click on the magazine covers below to see advertisements that have since featured these bodypaintings.  The first is the January 2003 issue of Razor and the ad is for upcoming RAZOR LOUNGE parties.  The second is the September issue of 944 Magazine and the ad is for Opium Nightclub where this event took place.

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This page has been designed and maintained by FUTURE-CLASS X PUBLISHING.
Unless noted otherwise, Photography and Artwork by Mark Greenawalt c2002

Please send comments to:  mark@futureclassx.com