Green Pages
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June 2001 |
According to their website, , "Spirit of the Senses is an arts and cultural organization based in Phoenix that provides a forum for creative dialogue and artistic expression." If you visit the their site, you will see that they have performances, exhibits, demonstrations, and such that they call SALONS. The salon topics range from visual and performing arts, architecture, the sciences, cultural geography, law, current events, travel, and the culinary arts.
In early August, I will have the great fortune of holding a salon for the group to showcase my bodypainting craft. I plan to provide a slide show that will display many of my finest works in their finished state and also many of the steps along the way. After the slide show and a question and answer session I will paint a live model for the members of this eclectic group.
What do you get when you cross a professional photographer, a professional make-up artist, a body painter and two beautiful models? Answer: A Blast! Earlier this month, glamour photographer, Clifford Licko, came down from Las Vegas for a photoshoot here in Paradise Valley at the Hermosa Inn. The room had a very cool Santa Fe feel to it. Upon entering the room I met Dori Randall, an established make-up artist here in Phoenix with credits like the movies Con-Air and Flipper and a slew of commercial advertising work. More importantly, I got a vibe from her that she is a very "cool" person.
The next elements to add to the mix were the two models, CJ and Rachel. Both were great to work with and although we were a little rushed we had some very interesting conversations during the painting session. CJ was painted with a bandolier of bullets across her chest and liquid latex chaps. Rachel was painted in a blue negligé with a Zorro motif added for effect. Here are two shots from the day in Paradise Valley...
-The July issue of Airbrush Action Magazine will be hitting most book stores during the first or second week of July. This is the issue that will contain an article about me and will include several pictures of my work. Unfortunately they will not be using my images for the cover, but there is a rumor floating around that I might have gotten one of my paintings to be the centerfold! More on this next month.
-On Saturday, June 23rd, I will be attending The Body Art Expo convention in Atlantic City. I'm looking forward to meeting some of the other people in the industry and maybe bringing back a few ideas to spur my creativity. If your near New Jersey and have the time, c'mon down to this event and see the sites from 10am to 5pm. There is more info about it at .
-The prototype bodypainting calendar for 2002 is complete. All images have been selected, but until I go to print I still may make some changes. Next step is finding a printing company.
-Dawna Bradford is coming to Arizona to visit. I guarantee that we will have created a great new song before she leaves. You can also expect to see some new photos of her new hairdoo. Who knows, maybe we'll have time to get the paints out.
Type at you next month,
Mark Greenawalt
copyright 2001, Mark Greenawalt
SINCE 12/1/2000.