VOL 7 ISSUE 4 | April 2004 |
Well it's been a pretty good run thus far in the bodypainting business and here is the image that started this whole collection of images. Although I didn't complete any new bodypainting sessions this month, I took some time to reflect on the works that I have created since September of 2000. I have put together a timeline of my bodypaintings and face paintings and you can find it at http://www.futureclassx.com/bodypaint/timeline.htm . There are several bodypaintings listed that I have not been able to find a picture of and there are a couple that I never had an opportunity to photograph. There are a few that I had not previously published on my website and some that I am not necessarily proud of and yet included them for the comprehensive picture. At this point in time I have completed just over 120 projects and worked with just over 90 models. Here are some stats for my website in the month of April, the coolest stat for me is that my site is hit by an average of 1,400 visitors per day.
- I will be part of a collaborative live art demonstration at LepreCon sci-fi convention on May 8th. Lifecaster Byur Gullwing will do a live bodycasting of model Kayla Rei and I will do a live "bodypainting" on a previously completed lifecast made of plasterer. Hopefully I'll have pictures posted in next month's newsletter.
- My son Sage won another first place trophy at a karate tournament this month. The event was sparing. He and his brother Zane are both playing soccer this spring and they are both doing pretty well.
- All of my music links have been down since mp3.com went off-line. The only song that is still on-line elsewhere is the video of me singing Suite Madame Blue by Styx which can be found at http://www.styxnet.com/equinox/blue.rm . I will try to get some of the other songs back on-line soon. I've been missing songwriting a little lately and plan on trying to set up a co-writing session with LeeAnne Savage from Tucson and maybe even another one with Dawna Bradford in Tennessee.
E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt
copyright 2004, Mark Greenawalt