The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 7 ISSUE 5   May 2004

Painting The Belly Beautiful 
by Mark Greenawalt

I am pleased to share with you two new paintings that I completed this month on pregnant bellies.  Here is the first one on mother-to-be Kimberly Westcott.  She had found my website on the internet and enjoyed the Arizona Diamondback baseball belly painting that I had done with Sarah Bowers.  She chose to have the same painting, but I was able to come up with a little bit of a twist and still keep with the D-backs theme.  The painting included the "away" logo (the letter 'D' formed from a copper rattlesnake) and it was framed with a home plate.  We met at Bank One Ballpark and did the painting and photoshoot near Friday's Front Row.  Kim wrote and told me that she loved the painting and had a humorous side note.  She said, "the paint must have a pretty strong spf, I tanned all afternoon and now have a perfect "home plate tan" on my tummy!!"  Maybe this will be my next adventure...bodypainted tan lines...hmmm.

My second belly painting for the month of May was with model Jez Obmana.  This project was photographed by O'D at his studio in Dreaming Summit.  O'D has been doing a photo series documenting Jez's changing body throughout her pregnancy and belly painting was suggested to her as something that might be a nice way to create a memorable image.  The painting is a carousel horse with a mane of purples and pinks and a golden pole with flowing banners.

I have recently been approached by Nancy Price, the co-owner of, and the former (and founding) editor of both Pregnancy and ePregnancy magazines, who is in the process of writing a little book for Penguin Publishers on belly painting.  I have done a little interview with her and she is planning on using some of my work in her book.  Hopefully some of these pictures may even be included.  I'll keep you posted as the story develops.


Lifecasting of the Moon of Pern 
by Mark Greenawalt

Here is the lasted Greenawalt & Gullwing collaboration.  Gullwing makes the casting from a live model (a.k.a. lifecasting) and I "bodypaint" the final product.  This month we took our respective crafts to the sci-fi convention, LepreCon 30, and did a live presentation of our artforms.  While Gullwing was creating lifecasts from two separate models, I was painting the lifecast that is pictured here.  The piece is entitled "Moon of Pern" in honor of the dragons featured in the fantasy novels by Anne McCaffrey.

One of Gullwing's models was Kayla Rei from, with whom I had previously done a bodypainting and Gullwing had previously done a lifecasting.  For more pictures and commentary from this event, please go to



Other News...
by Mark Greenawalt

Gullwing and I took 2nd place in the LepreCon 30 art show this year.  This is touted as the largest science-fiction/fantasy artshows in the southwest and we were both very honored to have been selected from among some fantastic works of art from dozens of artists.

-  Gullwing, Kayla, and I will be joining forces again this summer along with an assembled team of artisans to create a live version of the animae character Rei.  More info to come in future issues.

- I have been invited to do another bodypainting demonstration for WesterCon over the July 4th weekend at the Wigwam Resort here in Phoenix.  I'll hopefully know more details early next month and post them on my website.  For more about this convention, go to .

E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

copyright 2004, Mark Greenawalt

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