The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 8 ISSUE 9   September 2005

Greenawalt Is Guest of Honor for Sci-Fi Convention 
by Mark Greenawalt

On September 9th - 11th, 2005 I was privileged to be the guest of honor for the CopperCon Sci-Fi Convention in Phoenix, AZ.  Click here or on the image above for pictures from the event and the full story.  The convention attendance was over 500 sci-fi enthusiasts and I completed 14 body art demonstrations over the course of the weekend.  I'll keep the story short here since all of the info has been assembled into an event webpage that chronicles my entire weekend.  Enjoy!


Global Map With Glow-In-The-Dark Paint by EBA
by Mark Greenawalt

Last month I mentioned a bodypainting that I did for European Body Art (EBA) and their new product catalog.  The catalog is now printed and it looks amazing.  It is a full color 8" X 11.5" catalog with 20 pages of paints, stencils, tables, displays, and complete systems for starting body artists and established professionals.  I was honored to be inducted as a member of the EBA Team along with Ciara D'Agostino, pro Street Freestyle Rider Derrick "D-Mann" Daigle and the beautiful model Elizabeth Bress.   Below are scans of the three pages that included my bodypaintings (click to enlarge).

European Body Art Catalog with Kayla Rei  European Body Art Catalog picture of Mark Greenawalt and Jill Valdisar  European Body Art catalog painting of Miriam.

Here are the larger versions of the individual images that include Kayla, Jill, and Miriam.

Kayla Rei in global body paint by EBA Mark Greenawalt and Jill Valdisar with lifecast by Gullwing  Miriam painted with Judas Priest's Electric Eye cover.


Other News...
by Mark Greenawalt

- International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival The details are still being worked out, but I will be taking part in the 1st Annual International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival taking place in Tempe, AZ on October 21st through the 23rd.  Tentatively I will be hosting a panel on special effects make-up and also doing a couple of bodypaintings.  Who knows, I may even have the opportunity to screen my first movie Second Chances at the festival.  More details will be available soon.

- Selections are underway for the 2006 Bodypainting by Mark Greenawalt calendar.  If you have any particular favorites that you would like me to consider, feel free to drop me a line.  I am hoping to have calendars available during the first week of October.

E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

copyright 2005, Mark Greenawalt