VOL 10 ISSUE 8 | August 2007 |
Arizona Republic staff writer Tiffany Tcheng contacted me about writing an article about me and my bodypainting art. She asked if I had any live events scheduled so that she could attend and see my work first hand. I didn't have anything scheduled within her timeframe locally so I contacted my friends at Scandalesque to see if they had any projects that could benefit from including body art. Although they had some shows scheduled, Pyra Sutra decided to set up a special one-night-only event for the bodypainting at Muze Nightclub on August 24th. Pictured above are Lady Fontayne, Pyra Sutra, Peek-a-Boo Pixie-Lou, and Naughty Niki-ta in their bodypainted costumes. They danced special burlesque routines that hilighted the bodypaint and made the audience drool as usual. Check out www.Scandalesque.com to find out more about this troupe. Tcheng interviewed all of us and took quite a few pictures of the performance, but as of this writing, the Arizona Republic article has not been published.
Here is the latest collaboration between me and lifecast artisan Byur Gullwing of www.lifecastaz.com . This lifecast was crafted by Gullwing and molded from the body of model Kayla Rei. I have been planning on painting this design since I first saw the covers for Kushiel's Legacy series by author Jacqueline Carey. Many of the models that I have painted have tattoos on their back and although it is sometimes a challenge to paint over them, I think they are very sexy IMHO. In a few bodypaintings I was able to incorporate the tattoo into the painting. Carey's covers showcase a woman with her back exposed bearing a tribal design that incorporates a rose. I have bought the first book in the series, Kushiel's Dart, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet so I can't tell you anything about the symbol. I just know that I found it intriguing and it worked out wonderfully for this lifecast.
In October, my family and I will be vacationing in Hawaii...finally! I very rarely get an opportunity to go SCUBA diving, but this was one op that I really didn't want to miss. It turns out that my son Sage also didn't want to miss out on this opportunity and since he was old enough he decided to take the course to become a certified junior SCUBA diver. He passed the course at N-Depth Scuba in Chandler, Arizona and then passed his open water dive at Lake Pleasant where the visability was about four feet. I took a refresher course along with him and we were able to dive together at the lake which was a great father-son experience. Now we're ready for Hawaii!
The 2008 Wall Calendar of Bodypainting by Mark Greenawalt is still available at http://www.futureclassx.com/bodypaint/calendar/2008/2008calendar.htm .
E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt
copyright Mark Greenawalt, Future-Class X Publishing - Phoenix, AZ 85044
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