The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 10 ISSUE 11   November 2007


A Penn State Nittany Lion Paints An Ohio State Buckeye  
by Mark Greenawalt

Ohio State Buckeyes body painting When I was first contacted by Kimberly to do an Ohio State bodypainting on her for her boyfriend, I jokingly replied that I wasn't sure if it would be legal for me to paint that logo since I am a Penn State Nittany Lion alumni. I opted to do the painting, but I wore my Penn State shirt the whole time I was painting just to show where my loyalty laid. Kimberly was sympathetic knowing that Ohio had just trounced Penn State two weeks ago. In fact, Ohio was undefeated at the time (ironically they lost to Illinoise the day that I painted her). This painting was done using a white base of airbrushed Reel Creations bodypaint and then freehand brushed design using Wolfe Brothers face paints. Kimberly rounded up a few props for the photoshoot and I heard that her boyfriend enjoyed the surprise. Click on the picture to enlarge.


A Fluorescent Green(awalt) Halloween  
by Mark Greenawalt

Skull face painting for Halloween My oldest son was invited to a costume party this Halloween. He was scrambling to find a costume at the last minute so I said "Let me take care of it." I had done a carribean pirate face painting on a friend several years ago and that costume took first place, so I decided to again go with a skeleton face for this project. This time I used Wolfe Brothers fluorescent paints and gave him a UV flashlight to take along to the party. The costume was just a black top hat, cape, and cane, but it was enough to give him first place in the costume contest.


Bodypainting Images for Independent Film  
by Mark Greenawalt

Butterfly bodypaintingsnow leopard bodypainting for independent filmWhite tiger bodypainting for movie Three of my bodypaintings will be featured in the background of an upcoming film called "Death, Taxes... and Chocolate!" To find out more about the film, you can visit their website at These images are blown up to poster size and hung on the wall of a dining room scene along with three images from fellow body artist Naomi Smith of . The world premiere for the film is set for April 20th, 2008.


E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

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