The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 18 ISSUE 11  

November 2023


Mark Greenawalt Fine Art Launched  
by Mark Greenawalt

2024 calendar of arizona scenic photography for Mark Greenawalt Fine Art promotion

My passion for photography kicked in about 25 years ago and since then I've taken close to a bazillion images. Lots of different subject matter ranging from scenic vistas of places I've traveled to studio sessions with models wearing bodypaint or less. I have countless sunsets and full moons, seascapes and cosplayers, and lots of other unexpected categories that chanced to find me. Interspersed with countless images that were blurry or underexposed there are hidden gems that I've gone back to uncover that were overlooked for some reason. Now with more advanced photo editing software and skills, I've been able to extract some images from my past photoshoots and enlarge them as metallic prints for wall decor. This month I have relaunched the "store" on my website to make these available to collectors and to interior designers who specify wall art for custom home projects. If you are interested in any of the newly curated set of images or in any legacy project that I've completed, feel free to contact me to discuss size options, pricing, and the different materials available for large scale prints. Click the image above of my new 2024 desktop calendar to visit the store I've been developing.

Santa Barbara Sunset Cruise    
by Mark Greenawalt

Best of Bega Sunset Cruise in Santa Barbara winning project

In my August Green Pages, I mentioned that I had won the Best of Bega competition for lighting design. Well, this was the month that I got to take advantage of the prize package which was a 4-day trip to Santa Barbara for 4 people that included a sunset cruise on the Pacific Ocean. Now that my boys, Sage and Zane, have moved out, it's kind of rare for us to have an opportunity to do vacations with this core family unit, but everything worked out to make it happen for this trip. Most of the highlights included beverages: coffee walking on the beach at night, mimosas in the morning with breakfast, wine on the boat, beers on the pier while eating sea urchin that was still moving! Bega put us up at the centrally located Harbor View Inn and treated us to a wonderful reception diner at The Lark and a tour of their factory. It was a great time and I was really honored to have been selected by the judges for the Best of Bega contest.


Acrylic Painting Of Stewart Copeland    
by Mark Greenawalt

Acrylic painting of Stewart Copeland from The Police on Canvas fine art

When Ted Miotke offered me his electronic drum set with no strings attached, I made a promise to paint an original painting for him of his favorite musical artist. His request was for Stewart Copeland, the drummer from The Police, and he wanted the painting to be stylized in black and white. My goal was to complete it by the next time our band, Spark Jack Daddy, practiced at his house for our next gig. At the time I didn't realize that the pandemic would make us wait nearly two years before our next gig, but it finally happened on Black Friday 2023! So my procrastinating (which I am ashamed of) had come to an end and it was time to complete this painting. It is acrylic on canvas and I guess this is my first painting for 2023, but it has sparked some interest to get back into painting (I'm watching a lot of Youtube videos of the Milan Art Institute and learning some cool stuff, hopefully more to display soon).


E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

My gift to you is my music. Please kindly accept by going to these fine streaming services to download and stream! I hope you like some and consider them for your favorite playlists!


copyright Mark Greenawalt, Future-Class X Publishing - Phoenix, AZ 85044

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