The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 19 ISSUE 2  

February 2024


My Interview Living In The Lime Light 
by Mark Greenawalt

Living in the Limelight podcast with anton Scholl interview with Mark Greenawalt

I met Anton Scholl a couple of years ago, just before the pandemic hit. We had a few mutual friends (Roger Weidabach and Rick Tovar) and we had the opportunity to jam together at a house party. Anton is a really great singer and I had the opportunity to see him live with the band Sonic City! We had both reached out to each other to be on each other's podcast and we finally picked a date for me to come to his studio first. It was a lovely day and we sat outside and chatted for an hour or so before starting the interview. He had a great charcuterie tray prepared and I had been waiting for a special occasion to open my signed bottle of Dierdre's Siren wine and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. We have so much in common that the interview was comfortably "conversational" and I had a blast hanging with him for the day. The interview was broken into two parts that you can find on all streaming services where you find podcasts or at the links below on YouTube. Check 'em out and give him a like and subscribe while you're there.

PART 1 -

PART 2 -

Shelly Peiken At AZ Songwriter's Gathering    
by Mark Greenawalt

Shelly Peiken songwriter for Bitch and What A Girl Wants

I first met songwriter Shelly Peiken at the 2019 Arizona Songwriters Gathering at the Glendale Library and when I heard she would be back this year I made plans to attend. She is best known as the songwriter for Meredith Brook's 'Bitch' and Christina Aguilera's 'What A Girl Wants' and 'Come On Over', but she's also written for dozens of other artists and authored her book, 'Confessions of a Serial Songwriter'. Lots of great speakers were at this year's event including Pat Pattison (Berklee professor of lyric writing), Tracey and Vance Marino (Authors of 'Hey That's My Song'), Robin Frederick by Zoom (Author of 'Shortcuts to Hit Songwriting'), and the usual lineup of Randy Brown, Jon Iger, and an appearance by Les Scott.

Shelly gave a great seminar on 'Thinking Less and Feeling More' and followed it up at the end of the day with a mini-concert where she played several of her hit songs (including songs that were recorded by Brandy and The Pretenders) and a personal one that she wrote for her daughter. I bought her book when she was here in 2019 and we chatted briefly about our necklaces...she noticed I was wearing a Styx pick necklace and I noticed that her necklace was a record player adapter for 45-singles (yes, I'm old enough to remember those things). This year I gave her one of my guitar picks with my website on it.

Two more fun notes from this event were getting to photograph all of the wild peacocks that hang out at the Glendale Library and also winning the raffle for four books by Pat Pattison ('Songwriting Without Boundaries', 'Writing Better Lyrics', 'Songwriting: Essential Guide to Rhyming', and 'Songwriting: Essential Guide To Lyric Form And Structure'). That should keep me busy for a while. I'm hoping to donate these books to an aspiring songwriter once I've read them.


More Fine Art Photography Added To My Store    
by Mark Greenawalt

Sunset in Cave Creek with a lone Saquaro Cactus

Arizona has some spectacular sunsets and I've been trying to be available and in the 'right' place as often as possible to capture them with photography. I took the photo above on the way home from my interview with Anton in Cave Creek, AZ. I also got some pretty cool shots at the Ahwatukee Lakes Golf Course which is walking distance from my house. I've been revamping my photography portfolio pages and my online store so that I can launch my Fine Art Photography venture. It's been fun looking through my older photos from my world travels to find the hidden gems that were overlooked. I'll be posting more soon!

Comming Soon

Febrary trip to Maui
March 30 - Songwriting Panel at Confusion in Cave Creek
May 24 - Bodypainting Extravaganza at Phoenix Fan Fusion
July trip to Oahu
All Summer Lawn Passes to the concerts


E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

My gift to you is my music. Please kindly accept by going to these fine streaming services to download and stream! I hope you like some and consider them for your favorite playlists!


copyright Mark Greenawalt, Future-Class X Publishing - Phoenix, AZ 85044

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