The Green Pages - The Official Mark Greenawalt Newsletter
VOL 19 ISSUE 12  



The Evolution Of My Gallery Space At The Painted Tree...So Far 
by Mark Greenawalt

The Painted Tree gallery for Mark Greenawalt Fine Art Photography wall art for sale The Painted Tree gallery for Mark Greenawalt Fine Art Photography wall art for sale

My 'bricks and mortar' gallery space in Scottsdale has been a fantastic way to introduce my fine art photography to more and more potential collectors. It's been a labor of love to evolve this booth at The Painted Tree store at the Scottsdale Promenade. The images above show the 'before' from when I opened in August, and the 'after' as it is adorned in December. I've put my woodworking skills to work to make the print bin on the right and the postcard rack on the left, not to mention fabricating the trellis above from scratch to hang the theatrical lighting system. My friend Ed Clapper helped with some 3D printing to make my sign on the back wall (not the 'Designs by KK' sign which is my neighbors...kinda' confuses things that it's written on my side also). I'm a little shy of breaking even each month, but I've been gaining momentum with sales and honing in on what garners the most interest. I added a metal print of the solar eclipse that has LED lights to halo the print itself and I also have a backlighted canvas of the Frank Lloyd Wright spire on the right side. My wife found the dresser being given away by a neighbor so I collected it and painted it black. It has become a great shelf for my desk calendars and the tree ornaments with my photography that I introduced for the holiday season. Please stop by if you are in the neighborhood and see the evolution!


Published In Playboy    
by Mark Greenawalt

Comet c/2023 Tsuchinshan-Atlas over Arizona dark skies

I don't believe any of my photos were ever published in Playboy magazine, but this is a close second being published in a Playboy online article. It's all thanks to Griffin Maria (the model pictured on the horse) who wrote the article and submitted this photo from our 2023 Junkyard photo shoot which became the cover image for the article. I have been fortunate to work with Playboy for several bodypainting events (two at the Playboy Mansion) and I've done bodypaint photoshoots with two Playmates (Sarah Elizabeth-November 2006 and Beth Williams-August 2012). I haven't kept up to date with Playboy after they quit publishing physical magazines, but it sounds like they may be coming back early next year with an annual issue. It would be awesome to see Griffin and Kris make it into that magazine! Here is the link to Griffin's article


One Of My Songs In A Film That Won The Lebanese Award  
by Mark Greenawalt

Taking Your Crack At Filmmaking Song Credit by Mark Greenawalt for Ride The Coast Taking Your Crack At Filmmaking Song Credit by Mark Greenawalt for Ride The Coast

My song, Ride The Coast, was selected for the opening credits montage (plus the instrumental version was included in the end credits) for an independent film called "Taking Your Crack at Filmmaking." The world debut of the movie was at the 'A Night Of Misfit Films' festival that was held at my old stomping grounds, The Alwun House. I'm not completly sure how they are partnered, but this Phoenix based film festival is associated with The Lebanese Independent Film Festival. Our film won the Lebanese award and Elana Thornton, Kimber Leigh, and James Thorton pictured above were in attendance to recieve the award and trophy. Kimber posted on Facebook that the song in the intro was very well recieved. It's an honor to have my works included in films and I am very thankful that Kimber and Elana made me a part of this award winning film!


Upcomming Stuff...

December 7th (7:30 pm Saturday) - The Grinch will be riding again in Chandler Christmas Festival and Parade

Also on December 7th from 10am till 5pm is the Mesa Book Festival and I'm hoping to play a set of solo acoustic music.

E-ya later,
Mark Greenawalt

My gift to you is my music. Please kindly accept by going to these fine streaming services to download and stream! I hope you like some and consider them for your favorite playlists!


copyright Mark Greenawalt, Future-Class X Publishing - Phoenix, AZ 85044

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